One for All/All for One

The sports anime scene has  no shortage of popular  and  well-made  series [1]. Think of a popular sport – there’s probably  an  anime  for  that.  Despite the  wide variety  of sports,   sports anime  can be  roughly  divided into  two  archetypes: the  shounen-esque  battle  sports anime  like   Kuroko  no  Basket  or  Inazuma  Eleven  or   the   reality-bound  portrayals of  […]

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BL Shipping or Boys’ Love Shipping is a growing trend nowadays for anime fandoms as expressed by the growing number of fan fictions, fan arts and fan merchs. It is the great desire of anime fans for two boys to be in a relationship, romantic or otherwise. Whether it be considered as ‘canon’ or merely implied, hardcore shippers would find many ways to make their ships sail. Things such as a brush of hands or having faces mere milimeters from each other are enough to make anime shippers squeal and explode since they are emotionally invested with their ships. So, for anime fujoshis and fudanshis out there, Kami To Ki presents its Top 10 BL ships from various anime! […]

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