Anime Recommendation: Hinamatsuri

feel, 2018


If you are still looking for the perfect comedy to lighten up your next few months as Hell Week approaches, look no further, because Hinamatsuri is just the kind of fun we need this time of the semester!


Based on a seinen manga series, the currently-airing Hinamatsuri (ヒナまつり) details the shenanigans that ensued after Nitta, a porcelain-loving yakuza, suddenly had to look after a young psychic girl named Hina. It’s a premise that can get skeevy fast—and it didn’t help that Hina was buck naked for a good few seconds of the first episode—but thankfully the series hasn’t so far gone further than that, instead embracing wholesome fun all throughout.


feel, 2018


And darn is the show fun. Hinamatsuri has a knack for good comedic timing, with snappy dialogues and strong animation that really elevates the show as more than just a cute, silly comedy. And as I said before, it’s surprisingly not skeevy: there was this scene where a drunk old dude stumbled on a lone little girl in a bar, and the only thing that happened is him teaching her bartending stuff. That was great.


Hina and her Yakuza Dad is also very good. I have nothing much to say about them; I just love their banter.


And of course I can’t not mention the most important part of the show:



So yeah, Hinamatsuri is so far very good, something I can easily recommend to any fan of all things fun! I’m definitely looking forward for more hijinks coming from this show.


feel, 2018