Anime Recommendation: Violet Evergarden

Kyoto Animation, 2018
Kyoto Animation’s anime series for this winter season is Violet Evergarden, a Japanese light novel series written by Kana Akatsuki. The show is about a young girl named Violet who works as an “Auto Memory Doll”. The job entails taking up the role of being an amanuensis that transcribes people’s thoughts and feelings. Violet’s goal is to find direction in her now confusing and aimless life while she ponders about the meaning of love. What hinders her from a smooth sailing life is her past, which she tries to come to terms with.


Kyoto Animation, 2018
The anime comes off as a slow burn drama which may leave some people impatient or bored. However, those who appreciate the vignette style of the anime would find themselves pleased by the various short yet meaningful stories of the various characters whom Violet meets. Each episode is an artistic treat due to the stunning visual animation and  soundtracks that would shake your heart. KyoAni has been known for their high quality animations but it appears that they had surpassed themselves with this show. In truth, even if one were to not like the story, I would still recommend watching Violet Evergarden just to see what it’s like to watch an animation masterpiece.


Kyoto Animation, 2018